T-SQL Basics

A Blog for the Junior DBA

About this blogsite

If you’re new to the DBA world and have no idea where to start, then you have landed in the right place.

This blogsite is dedicated to the new (junior) DBA that has no clue what they are doing or how to do it. Here, we break it all down into simple steps and explain the terminology in a way that almost anyone can understand and relate to. If you feel like you don’t quite understand something, or something is not clicking with you, feel free to email me at aubreywlove@tsqlbasics.com and I will try to help you through the confusion.

The best way to navigate this site is to start with the first article on the "First Steps" page and walk through them one at a time in the order they are posted. Once you have completed these first 9 tutorials, you may continue your training by reading through my other tutorials on MSSQLTIPS.com
I will try my best to make sure that they are listed in the order that you need to learn them.

If you are a "hard copy" type of person, not to worry, I have a paperback version of this blog (SQL From the Ground Up) that will be available on Amazon soon. So check back often for the link to purchase the book.
Bonus: I also have a new book "SQL Practice and Interview Questions" that will be available on Amazon before the end of the year (2024). This will give you an oppertunity to practice what you have learned using real world problems and scenarios.

Thank you for viewing my blog and I hope you have learned something.

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